Tax Information: World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection & Development Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN No. 35-2625666.

Zeffy - Credit Cards including UnionPay, Digital Wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay
We use Zeffy (formerly Simplyk), the only platform for non-profits giving us 100% of your donations. A contribution to support them will be suggested at confirmation.

Support us with a tax-advantaged stock gift
** Reduce taxes on capital gains while deducting the fair market value of gifted stock held more than a year. **Amplify your generosity with a pre-tax gift. We benefit from the proceeds that would have been paid in taxes.

Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.
Note. World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Foundation, Inc. appears as “WICHPDF” on PayPal.
Donate by Zelle
For security reasons, we request that you first contact us via email before processing your Zelle request.
Full name and email are required. Also, you must complete the simple CAPTCHA sum to tell the computer that you’re human. Thank you!
Donate by Mail
To donate by check or credit card by mail, please complete this donation form by printing and mailing it to:
World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Foundation, Inc.
1270 6th Avenue, 8th Flr
New York, NY 10020
Other Ways to Donate
1. Give mutual funds, wire funds, or make an ACH transfer. Click here to contact us. Full name and email are required. Also, you must complete the CAPTCHA sum to tell the computer that you’re human.
2. Share your time, skills, or knowledge.
Thank you!
Donor Advised Fund (DAF Direct)
DAF Direct enables you to donate to WICHPDF directly from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Clients of BNY Mellon, Fidelity Charitable, and Schwab Charitable can make a designation through the DAF Direct window to the right. For more about DAFs, view the downloadable DAF Direct FAQ. Click here.
Donor Advised Fund (Other)
If your DAF sponsoring organization does not participate in DAF Direct, please have them direct your gift to:
World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Foundation, Inc. EIN No. 35-2625666
1270 6th Avenue, 8th Flr
New York, NY 10020
In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please provide your name, fund name, and address.
WICHPDF Donation. Name, email and captcha are required. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your donation!
Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) are a tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations
Donor-Advised Funds allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets to the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.
Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle because they are the easiest and most tax-savvy way to give to charities like WICHPDF.
Candid is an information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies. In 2016, its database provided information on 2.5 million organizations. It is the product of the February 2019 merger of GuideStar with Foundation Center.
To fund the costs of creating Candid and build for the future, nearly $27 million has been raised from the Bill & Melinda Gates, Charles Stewart Mott, and William and Flora Hewlett foundations and other supporters. Early-stage funding for feasibility studies and legal services was provided by the Lodestar Foundation and the Fidelity Charitable Trustees’ Initiative.
We’re excited to share that our organization has earned a 2022 Gold Seal of Transparency with Candid! Now, you can support our work with trust and confidence. Click the Gold Seal to check out our Candid profile to learn more and make a difference with your support.
Tax Information: World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection & Development Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN No. 35-2625666. Contributions to the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection & Development Foundation, are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.