Qi Health: Daily Energy Exercise
Enhance Qi to boost energy, build immunity and enhance life. To be healthy, it is necessary to enhance qi, which is the foundation of the spirit, the source of life, and the soul of Traditional Chinese Medicine! Practicing “Qi Health” every day can quickly detoxify your body, increase energy and make your immune system stronger. Bring ancient wisdom into your daily practice.
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Qi Health: Open the Seven Chakras: Daily Blood Flow
In this qi practice, we stimulate blood flow throughout the body at all levels down to the tiniest capillary. How? Visualize it in this way. The blood pathways (arteries, veins, and capillaries) form a series of rivers and streams. Different organs (heart, stomach, brain, etc.) form major collection pools. Qi is the flow of energy, running through those pathways. We can think of the chakras as major vortexes of energy that reside in and correspond to those vital organs or energy pools. This practice stimulates qi and opens the chakras to stimulate blood flow throughout the body. The movements progress through each chakra, beginning with the root chakra.
The movement is repeated three times, opening and closing each chakra before moving on to the next in the sequence: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.
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